Spiritual freedom

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MNN’s Katey Hearth and Set Free Executive Director Dean Vander Mey discuss spiritual freedom ministry, examining Scripture’s instruction regarding spiritual freedom and challenges that prevent people from finding freedom through Christ.

Hope after abortion

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Dean Vander Mey of Set Free Ministries says abortion is more than a political or legal issue: it’s a choice with emotional and spiritual consequences.

If you’re burdened by guilt and shame, take heart. There’s freedom in Christ.

Trauma healing

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MNN’s Katey Hearth and Set Free Ministries Executive Director Dean Vander Mey discuss trauma healing and where to turn when your church can’t – or won’t – help you.

Tom Doyle, Uncharted Ministries

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Amnesty International recently made a bold statement about Palestinians and Israel, triggering strong reactions on both sides. When asking our partners to discuss the issue, we encountered a field of rhetorical landmines. So, how do we discuss a situation that directly affects the body of Christ when words get in the way?

Uncharted Ministries works in both Palestinian and Jewish communities. Co-founder Tom Doyle speaks with MNN’s Ruth Kramer about how believers can navigate thorny issues like these.

Students thrive despite lock-downs in East Africa

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Dean Vander Mey and Dave McIntyre of Set Free Ministries discuss pandemic lockdowns in East Africa with MNN’s Katey Hearth. In Uganda, home of the world’s longest shutdown, students are thriving. Plus, Set Free is taking exciting steps toward finishing Light Academy.

How to be Jesus during the holidays

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Holiday gatherings can lead to potentially-divisive conversations about politics and the pandemic. Ron Hutchcraft of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries and MNN’s Katey Hearth discuss how to navigate potential pitfalls and turn heated debates into Spirit-led dialogue.

Warriors Set Free helps U.S. veterans

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Veterans Day: the perfect opportunity to honor our servicemen and women, and recognize the services of Warriors Set Free.  Warriors Set Free helps veterans grow in their faith, heal from their past, and win life’s battles!

In this interview, Warriors Set Free Director Steve Prince discusses Veterans Day 2021 with MNN’s Katey Hearth, as well as the organization’s new opportunities for expansion.