A Russian pastor shares thankfulness, hope and strong faith amid grief.

By October 18, 2004

Russia (MNN)–Residents of Beslan, Russsia are struggling to heal even as a grief blankets the town.

45 days have passed since the terrible events in School Number One. Chechen terrorists stormed the school and held hostage most of the student body. When the siege came to an end, over 300 died, most of them children.

Slavic Gospel Association president Bob Provost says the school massacre brought with it both tragedy and, oddly, hope. “A church never before heard of around the world, and a republic not known around the world, has become the center for prayer and support. Millions of Christians around the world are now praying for revival in Beslan and for the Lord to raise up a movement to take the Gospel to all the people of North Ossetia.”

Provost says the support of the body of Christ encourages those in the midst of the struggle. There is evidence that, “They are not only praying but Christians throughout the world are ready to help. As for individual families, several faithful Christian mothers and fathers who lost their own precious children began to reach those without hope, who were mourning the loss of their children. The Beslan church has become a great place of comfort and encouragement for the grieving community.”

While significant aid was immediately sent by SGA and other Christian organizations in the aftermath of the tragedy, ongoing needs include ministry to the families affected through community support, grief counseling and physical aid, along with ministry outreach to the region surrounding Beslan.

Anyone interested in contributing to the Beslan School Victims Assistance Fund can do so by calling SGA at 1-800-BIBLE-50, or by logging on our website at www.sga.org.

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