India’s Muslims respond to the hope of Christ.

By October 15, 2004

India (MNN)–We begin today in India, where the Muslims are now outpacing the Hindu populations.

Mission India’s John DeVries says the Muslim population rivals Indonesia’s.

While India’s Hindu nationalists could be considered ‘extremist’, India’s Muslim population is fairly moderate. That paved the way for a unique outreach. “Ever since 9-11, there have been shockwaves through the Muslim community to such an extent that, in our ministry, we’ve actually formed a department to minister just exclusively to Muslims.”

In many cases, the impossible happens. DeVries says they are beginning to see an increase in that desire for truth. He says not long ago, a children’s Bible club used the local mosque as their meeting place. Christian teachers taught the hope of Christ to the local Muslim children.

That incident and many others like it outlined what other mission groups discovered–that is, India’s Muslims are searching for truth and respond quickly. DeVries says, “We’re finding a tremendous openness among them, especially literacy for young women, and so, in a couple of the cities, there’s upwards of a couple thousand Muslim women engaged in this Bible literacy program.”

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