Ministry lays groundwork for Uganda care plan

By August 7, 2009

Uganda (MNN) — Ninety percent of the northern population of Uganda
was forced into Internally Displaced People camps because of the civil war. Two
decades later, the war is over, and people are being encouraged to return to
their homes.

However, Katie Suitor with Every Child Ministries says,
"Most of the people who are left in the camp really have nowhere to go.
It's because either they have no means to get out or they've literally spent their entire life within the camp and they know no
other home." 

Suitor took a mission team into one of the neediest, most
neglected camps, the Tegotatoo camp, to work for three weeks. "We
would teach Bible lessons, focusing on ABCs or counting, or word recognition;
we also ran a medical clinic while we were there and served lunch to the

So intent was this team that two members remained behind to
further build relationships with the people they served. 

The camp is home to 20,000 refugees. ECM is working with a ministry run by Pastor
Chris Couris of the Gulu Community Bible Church who planted a church at

The ECM team is working to get sponsorship for the kids in the camp and a chance for a better
future. Those who are sponsored will attend school, get supplemental
nutrition and medical care, plus additional Bible teaching on Saturdays in
partnership with Gulu Community Bible Church. 

More than a foot in the door, ECM is committed to a
long-term evangelistic ministry. Suitor
shares plans: "ECM is the process of opening a baby home; they're hoping
to break ground in February. We have a missionary couple in the southern part
of Uganda right  now. They run a soccer
program, a tutoring program, and Bible lessons every week."

Please pray for this continuing outreach and for the church
as it ministers regularly to the families of Tegotatoo. If you can help, click here.

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