Story number 4 for 4 Feb 2002

By February 4, 2002

(USA)–Meanwhile, a ministry promoting Bible reading is looking for organizers for Bible Reading Marathons in the United States. Bible Pathway Ministry’s Barbara Bivens would like to see hundreds of Bible Reading Marathon’s to precede the National Day of Prayer May 2nd. “A Bible Reading Marathon takes about 85 to 90 hours of continual read on a public site/church grounds. It’s a community effort to draw all Christians together in reading God’s word.” Bivens says people do come to Christ during these readings. “There’s usually pastors, or someone on the premises that can talk to anyone. We’ve had people come by and say, ‘I can not believe that God’s word is being read publicly.’ And, of course, on the Capitol steps in Washington DC–the response has been tremendous.” How-To Kits are available at Bible Pathway. Call our resource line for more information.

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