Story number 5 for 5 Feb 2001

By February 5, 2001

(USA)– And finally, two teams of young adults from the United States are hoping to have an impact on young people in other countries. Book of Hope Ministries John Young explains the program. “The teams are a part of our discipleship program here at Book of Hope called Global Missions Institute. And, we bring in young people from all over the country and we train them for a month than they go out on the field for three months for intense time of ministry and training with the national churches.” Young says they’ll cover South Africa, Brazil, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Poland this winter. He says young people seem to be more effective in youth outreach. “They are the most effective missionaries because kids look up to their peers. They look up to these kids and a lot of kids want to be like an American teenager. And, when that American teenager talks about how Christ has made a difference in their life, it just makes all the difference.”

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