A Christian adoption group gets ready to mark a decade of ministry.

By June 7, 2005

Russia (MNN)–A special mission trip to St. Petersburg, Russia November 10th through the 20th will celebrate Buckner Orphan Care International’s 10-year anniversary of helping orphan children worldwide.

The event is also planned as a “Shoes for Orphan Souls” trip. Participants will have the opportunity to not only place shoes on children’s feet, but also see the ‘why’ behind Buckner’s longevity.

The program itself collects and distributes shoes to orphans in more than 30 countries, as one of Buckner Orphan Care International’s humanitarian outreach programs.

Through the program, Buckner is making a dramatic impact in the lives of children and families around the world. During distribution, team members tell the children that the shoes came from people who love them, and that, even more, they are loved by their heavenly Father.

Without a doubt, for participants, Buckner’s work has been a movement to bring the hope of Christ to the most vulnerable in society.

If you’d like to be part of this trip, you can sign up for more information through MNN’s short-term missions database. Go to the ‘Mission trip in Focus’ listed at the bottom of the MNN homepage.

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