A reserved people group comes out of their shell to praise God.

By May 31, 2005

Mexico (MNN)–Every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, believers among an Indian tribe in Northern Mexico meet with Operation Mobilization workers to worship God together.

Team members say through the meetings, God is bringing unity and harmony among the Triqui (tree-kee) believers.

A normally reserved people, during the meetings, they have been singing, testifying, and encouraging others. Pray for the ongoing work among the Triqui Indians and other tribes in Northern Mexico.

In a broader scope, OM Mexico began their work in 1957. Their vision has seen much of their work mature. OM Mexico today still has Christmas campaigns, but works year-round in several states with numerous churches in planting new churches where none existed before.

Coordinated from Mexico City, OM Mexico also is a conduit for vast amounts of Spanish Christian literature.

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