Africa (MNN) Amidst the immense physical hardship and suffering in several African nations already cruelly under attack from not only the Aids epidemic, poverty, and civil wars, but also under the threat of takeover by radical Islamic fundamentalists, a group of Christian ministries have united in a joint effort to bring the Bible and the study of God’s Word to thousands of spiritually hungry hearts in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria. (br) Uniting together are “Bible Pathway Ministries”, “Oasis International”, “Operation Mobilization” and other individuals. They are presently loading three containers with Bible devotional commentaries, Bibles and other study material, making a study packet equivalent to a 2-year Bible college education. This shipment alone could easily minister to 34,000 persons or more as material is passed around.
The group issued the following statement: “The church is the target nations are struggling against unorthodox teaching, false doctrine, traces of the occult, and new age teaching. Seminary students often go without textbooks, ministries without evangelism material, couples without Biblical relationship teaching,and children without Bible stories. This material will help the church in these nations draw many into a personal relationship with Christ and guide the growth of the Christians.”