Bringing light to dark tradition in Nigeria

By August 14, 2015

Nigeria (MNN) — Every culture has its own traditions, but few of these generations-old practices are as dark as human sacrifice. For some remote communities in Nigeria, it’s still a problem, and the local practices are twisted and horrific.

Just ask *Jigar. Jigar’s duty was to beat the drums during the ceremonies, so he knew first-hand how dark these sacrifices could be. He watched children flee the village in fear for their lives as soon as they were old enough, and the entire community lived with the terrifying possibility of being chosen.

Photo Courtesy JESUS Film Project

(Photo courtesy JESUS Film Project)

Then, a courageous film team from The JESUS Film Project made its way to the little village. They showed the JESUS film, and it rocked the community. Jigar was especially touched and devoted his life to the Lord.

Because Jigar has left the dark practices of his hometown, people he has grown up with will shun him and threaten him, but he has no fear. He knows that although he has given up worldly things, his eternal reward will be far greater.

Jigar is now part of one of those same film teams like the one that visited his village. He works with many others who have come to Christ through showings of the film and are now devoted to spreading the Word to their own people.

Though some parts of the world may hold to dark practices, people like Jigar are working to shine spiritual light into these corners, reminding the people there that they haven’t been forgotten.

*Name changed for security purposes


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