World (MNN) — Challenges are facing the Bible League as they continue to place God’s word into the hands of people all around the world. Tthe new president of the Bible League Bob Cole spoke with Mission Network News about those challenges.
Cole says there’s one staggering fact. “We basically turn down two out of every three requests for Bibles. That is a major challenge. And, as the church is growing on the continent of Africa and throughout southeast Asia, and Latin America, that challenge just increases every year.”
Cole says, “I think we in the west think everyone should have a Bible by now.” But, according to Cole that’s not the case. “We could have our whole budget into one region or one country and we still wouldn’t meet the needs,” says Cole.
According to Cole AFricais the most neediest nations. He says, “the reality is, unless we can do more in Scripture placement, we’re never going to meet their needs.”
Cole says funding is the main need to help place God’s word into the hands of Christians. He says they could have a huge impact. “We have the strategies, but we lack the resources at present. We can print, ship and place a whole Bible at an average cost of four dollars. And, in some places like China a whole village or town can be impacted by one copy of the Bible.”