Church reaching out to orphans in Russia

By November 19, 2004

Russia (MNN) — With nearly one-million orphaned children in Russia, ministry to these needy kids is greatly needed. That’s why Buckner Orphan Care International is sending in shoes as part of their Shoes for Orphan Souls program. As they do, they encourage the local church to begin ministry inside the orphanages.

One church is seeing success. Stepan Taran is the Pastor of the Baptist Church of Volkov. He says, “Twice a month we’re visiting here showing Christian movies and then we have a talk about Christianity. We have lessons with the children, presentations and just playing games and singing Christian songs.”

According to Taran the ministry starts off as a friendship, but now some children are coming to their youth meetings at the church. He says some of the children have come to Christ. As youth ministry is rare in his region of Russia, Taran is facing challenges. “Sometimes it’s difficult with equipment. There are no new movies because he’s already shown all the movies he has. Sometimes it’s difficult to encourage their people who are already in Christ to come here and bring the Gospel here.”

Buckner’s desire is to provide shoes to an orphanage through the local church, which gives Christians a chance to share the Gospel with those who need the Father so desperately. Pray that more shoes can be collected and funding can be raised to get even more shoes into these orphanages.

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