Nepal (MNN) — Nepal is boiling with political upheaval. Thousands have flooded the streets protesting the government of King Gyanendra and demanding a democratic government.
While authorities struggle to control the situation, security forces opened fire on the crowds, killing several people. Nepal has been paralyzed by the two weeks of violent protests and a general strike against the monarchy, which seized power over a year ago.
Reports out of Nepal say that Christians are getting involved, not to protest but to provide first aid treatment to casualty victims. Despite the risks, they’re focused on sharing the Gospel any way they can.
Even with the strikes and upheaval in recent weeks, believers report that they were able to share encouraging Easter celebrations and worship the risen Christ this past weekend.
Pray for protection for those serving the needs of others. Pray that God will use His people as a force for peace in the midst of turmoil in Nepal.