Ukraine (MNN) – Ukraine isn’t in the news too much anymore. The violence between it and Russia seems ‘old’ in comparison to recent earthquakes, and deals made in the Middle East. Just because the media is forgetting Ukraine doesn’t mean God has, or the Slavic Gospel Association.

(Photo Courtesy SGA via Eric Mock)
In a recent trip to the country, SGA’s Eric Mock had an opportunity to see how churches in the conflicted nation — where people still die daily from the fighting — are reaching out to people amid crisis.
“A lot of times in the middle of conflict, people will cry out as if God forgot them, and they wonder if God exists. How can these things happen to them?” Mock explains.
“Yet, in the middle of crisis, if we look real close, we can see that God is working in ways that transcend human understanding.”
Because of SGA-supported pastors who risk their lives to share Christ’s love, people are seeing God work. “A knock is at the door, and they hear about a pastor and a church that is coming to their aid,” Mock says.
The aid these pastors and churches bring has been provided through SGA, with the help of American churches, to take care of Ukraine’s people.
“We’ve seen families, who have been distant from God, coming to faith. Seeing that God has loved them both physically and spiritually. These are families that have suffered incredible loss, but rather than shaking their fists at God, are thanking God [because] in the midst of the chaos, He gave them peace in the middle of the storm,” Mock shares.

(Photo Courtesy SGA via Eric Mock)
Much infrastructure has been demolished because of conflict in the region, and it may take years for it to be restored; or, even move towards restoration. Broken and dilapidated buildings have become the new normal.
Despite these conditions, churches are still doing what they can to feed their people spiritually and physically. Some have even opened up soup kitchens despite the conditions.
SGA works to equip churches in the conflict areas of Ukraine to spread the Gospel and provide aid. The first step is delivering literature and food to Ukrainian churches, learning more about them by building a relationship, and then continuing to equip them.
Please pray without ceasing for the Ukrainian churches. God can do more than even imaginable. Pray for Him to provide for these churches and the people, for their safety, and for hearts to be opened to the Gospel.
Another way to come alongside the Ukrainian church is by donating. A single $15 gift to the SGA Crisis Evangelism Fund is enough to feed a family in Ukraine for a week. Click here to donate!
Praying ~