Evangelical partnership launches Micah Challenge.

By October 28, 2004

International (MNN)–Baptist World Aid, the relief and development arm of the Baptist World Alliance is among the coalition of Christian aid groups who are tackling poverty head-on.

The group officially launched the Micah Challenge, at the United Nations (UN) this month. The campaign–named after the Old Testament prophet of justice–represents more than 3 million congregations worldwide and 260 Christian relief and development organizations.

It encourages believers to deepen their commitment to share the hope of Christ with poor communities. It also urges churches to encourage governments to fulfill their public promise to halve poverty by 2015.

Working in tandem with the churches are the governments. Canceling the debts of Third World countries and eliminating trade inequities, is a key point in the success of the strategem.

The eight U.N.-approved goals are to: stop extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development.

The group is trying to enlist 25 million Christians worldwide to endorse the movement through its Web site, www.micahchallenge.org.

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