Prayer is needed for Muslim outreach in the Philippines

By November 4, 2004

Philippines (MNN) — Kidnapping, bombings and other violence plagues the southern Philippines and its predominately Muslim population.

The Philippines is the focus of today’s 30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus, a guide to help Christians prayer for Muslims around the world. Islam reach the Philippines in the 14th century and spread quickly through Muslim traders and missionaries. Even the capital of Manila was under Muslim domination until the Spanish colonized the islands in the 16th century. Today, Muslims form a strong minority, living mostly on the southern islands.

30 Muslim people groups, or six million people, are native to the southern Philippines. All have their own language, tribal areas, traditions and they’re in need of the Gospel.

Most of the six-million Filipino Muslims live under similar circumstances. Some are closer to the to the teachings of Islam, while others put their trust more in the spiritualist healers.

There are a few Christians and churches in these areas, but they’re too few and difficult for them to witness. Pray that their faith with be strengthened, believers would be more willing to share their faith and that evangelistic outreach will be more successful.

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