Story number 1 for 1 Jul 2003

By July 1, 2003

(Ethiopia)–We begin today in Ethiopia where famine is again rearing its ugly head in a country plagued with drought. According to reports, something needs to be done soon or massive numbers of people will die. Food for the Hungry’s Beth Allen says the situation is desperate. “What we have in Ethiopia is a repeat performance of a year of inappropriate rainfall. And, by inappropriate, I mean in some areas there have been droughts and some areas there have been floods. The U-S government and other organizations are estimating that approximately 13 million people will not have enough food to eat in the coming year.” Allen says working with the local church is important to their work both physically and spiritually. “Part of our agenda is to get churches reaching out into their communities and to be a part of solving their problems. Number one, identifying what the problems are in the community and number two helping to solve those problems in a Christ-like manner, using the Bible, putting it into practice. And, friendship evangelism is very important too.” Funding is needed to help save lives.

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