Story number 1 for 10 Jul 2000

By July 10, 2000

Headlining today’s news, Christians are concerned following last week’s elections, as former Communist rulers have been swept back into power in Mongolia. Evangelism Explosion’s North Asia Director Buddy Gaines reads us an email he received from his E-E coordinator in Mongolia. “Many Christians in Mongolia are very sad. I know and feel that this coming four years will be very different four year period from the past four years. E-E Mongolia and Faith Assembly Church will work hard in the coming four years and make a difference in this land.” Gaines says the change in the government could result in increasing persecution, but that’s not affecting their plans. “We are preparing him and his church for a nationwide clinic, which will be conducted about this time next year. We’re not crusade evangelism. We can do it over a cup of coffee or inside one’s bedroom or living room.” E-E expects to have 45 trainers in Mongolia by May.

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