(Mongolia)–Our newscast begins today in Mongolia, where Christian organizations say a new government regulation is causing some consternation. Some believe if authorities read it as it is, the number of workers they could have in the country would be drastically cut back. We asked a worker with the Evangelical Free Church Mission to explain the situation. “Since January 1rst, a new law has arisen, called the ‘Five-Percent Law’-at least, that’s what foreigners are calling it. For every foreign visa that is needed, the company or the organization would need to hire 20 national employees.” She says, depending on how it’s read, the law could severely limit the work of Christian groups. “The limit would be in many ways. It would be in presentation of the Gospel. It would be in creating jobs for Mongolians. If only a few of us are in, we’re going to just be overwhelmed with business responsibilities without having any teammates to help us with that.”