(France) — France headlines today’s news, as that country’s National Assembly is set to vote on a Restrictive Religious Law in that country. The Senate’s May 3rd passage of a law designed to outlaw sects there is set for a vote on May 31st. Voice of the Martyrs Glenn Penner is concerned because vague language could classify evangelical Christianity as a sect. “The way the legislation is worded, if a couple French citizens had a complaint, let’s say some evangelical got a little too pushy, or if they thought that maybe they had manipulated their child into accepting Christ, that they could complain to the authorities and that church could get shut down.” Penner is asking evangelical Christians to get involved. “We’re hoping that Christians from around the world will protest to the French government saying, you know, this is a draconian law. It’s a very disturbing piece of legislation, one that almost hearkens back to the former Soviet Union.” Go to the “current news” section at Persecution-dot-net to find out where to write.