Story number 1 for 24 Dec 2002

By December 24, 2002

(Indonesia)–Topping the news, new intelligence warns that terrorist groups could be planning bombings on Christmas Day in Indonesia. In spite of the threat, AMG International’s Paul Jenks says believers are going about their business. Having recently returned from a visit, Jenks was encouraged by what he saw. “The mood of that church was really quite amazingly upbeat. The youth of the church go and pray through the evening on Saturday, the night before, until about midnight, just praying for revival, praying for effective ministry, asking God to use them.” Jenks says Indonesian Christians need prayer support. “It was amazing to see this small church, right in the middle of three small mosques that have been recently built right there in their location, trying to thwart or discourage the local Christians from coming there to worship; they’re just showing extraordinary bravery and they’re just wanting to stand up and be counted for Christ.”

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