Story number 1 for 24 Jul 2002

By July 24, 2002

(Africa)–Headlining today’s news the HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to be a problem the evangelical church in the west is shying away from. However, Wendy Ryan with the Baptist World Alliance says this isn’t something the church can ignore anymore. “More than two-thirds of the people in Africa are affected by the HIV/AIDS virus. It is the leading cause of death. This is an opportunity to minister the love of Christ. And, it is in that ministry that many, many people that perhaps who normally would not perhaps be open to the Gospel would hear the Gospel. And, even if somebody has HIV/AIDS you need to prepare them to face an eternity.” According to Ryan, this is a church problem right now and ministry shouldn’t be delayed. “There is a deep sense of urgency. We of all people know the life changing and overwhelming love of Jesus Christ. And, we of all people, are equipped to bring that love and that healing to other people. If we do not bring that love of Jesus Christ to people, who will?”

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