Story number 1 for 28 Nov 2002

By November 28, 2002

(USA) — We begin today in the United States where millions of families are gathering around tables to celebrate Thanksgiving. However, this holiday may be a little different for some families because they’re using it to share the Gospel. American Tract Society‘s Mark Brown says they’ve developed a new tract called “Thanksgiving in America”. “It’s written by David Barton and the tract has a wonderful cover of the family sitting down and enjoying a Thanksgiving meal, something that has inspired many, many people throughout the years. But, it leads into the importance of how Thanksgiving, as a tradition, came about. And then, David Barton does a wonderful job of expressing how George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln had told people that this is an inspiring time to be an American and be at home with your family. And, then it leads right into a great Gospel presentation as well.” Pray that many will turn to Christ as a result.

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