Story number 1 for 5 Apr 2001

By April 5, 2001

(Kenya)–We begin today in Kenya where an attack by Somali Muslims has claimed the lives of three Kenyan missionaries Wednesday. Evangelistic Outreach Africa Ministries, an organization assisted by Christian Aid Mission, was preparing to travel to southern Sudan for outreach, when the attack occurred. Evangelistic Outreaches Justus Okoth was beaten severely. “They came with guns. They cut with metal. They started beating us, and they stole everything. They wanted to kill me. They tried to cut my neck. It would not cut – three times [they tried, but] — it would not cut.” The attack was in retaliation to many coming to Christ in recent weeks. Okoth says the violence will not stop him. “God has called us to give our lives to the Lord and we just want to die for Christ because we don’t want to die before they know the love of Christ.” Funding is needed to assure this ministry continues.

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