Story number 1 for 6 Apr 2000

By April 6, 2000

We begin today’s newscast in Ethiopia with a story that could have worldwide implications. According to Food for the Hungry’s Dave Evans, many could die as famine is affecting millions of people. He describes the need. “10-million people needing a total of 1.3 million metric tons of food. And, to put it into perspective that is about the same amount that was required in 1984 and 1985 if you’ll recall the famous famine in Ethiopia back then where 1 million people lost their lives.” Evans says they’re not expecting normal rains June through September and more could die as a result. He says they’re working through local churches to help. “The goal of our relief operation is to partner with churches. Demonstrate their commitment to the Gospel and to Jesus Christ through, primarily reaching out to meet physical needs and where possible sharing the love of Christ verbally with people. “If you’d like to help in this massive relief effort call 1-800-2-HUNGER.

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