Story number 2 for 13 Jan 2003

By January 13, 2003

(India)–Our story continues in India where there’s been word that the untouchables, or Dalits, continue to renounce Hinduism. Dayspring International’s John Gilman urges evangelistic groups to work through this open door. “We need to be one in our voice to respond to the cry of this huge population of people; to reach out in compassion, not to exploit this moment for personal ministry growth, or our own ambition, but to be very sensitive to their needs.” Gilman says the Dalits are beginning to realize what is true individualism. “Their first step to freedom is to discover that they can be free after 3500 years of enslavement in this Hindu caste system. The leaders of this movement have talked privately with a number of Christian leaders in India and said that the hope for their people was in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the principles that are found in Scripture.” Dayspring shares the hope of the Gospel through their all-Indian acted film on the life of Christ.

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