Story number 2 for 15 Apr 2003

By April 15, 2003

(Malawi) — The city of Blantyre is set in the mountains of Malawi. The people are warm and friendly…but there is a sense of urgency for those involved in evangelistic work. As in most of Malawi, there is a race going on. Muslim influence is growing ever stronger throughout the country. With elections slated for next spring, the urgency to reach people with the Gospel grows. Scrivin Kamanga is with Trans World Radio Malawi. He says their station serves multiple purposes. “We expose things that are happening in the community…things that people are crying about and cannot be heard We give them a voice, so they can be heard.” TWR Malawi is still in the pioneering stages of development and challenge. However, Kamanga believes the staff is called to spread the Gospel via radio. For him, the charge came while he was a teenager. “I had a mission. When an opening came up in trans world radio, I said, ‘ well, this is something I had been crying to do. That’s how I came here, because I love the Lord and I want to serve God through radio communication.”

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