Story number 2 for 17 Jan 2003

By January 17, 2003

(Uzbekistan)–Meanwhile, an evangelical pastor will be in court this weekend in the predominately Muslim country of Uzbekistan. Bible Mission International’s Paul Hagelgamns says Pastor Nikoly pastors a church just outside of Tashkent. Hagelgamns says he’s charged with operating a church without government registration. He says there’s more to it than that. “One of the problems is that they have converted Uzbek people. (The) official language in Uzbekistan it is (the) Uzbek language (and) you can not preach the Gospel in that language. You can preach (the) Gospel only in (the) Russian language. It is illegal that Muslims (covert) to Christianity.” Pastor Nikoly could face fines and up to one year in jail. Hagelgamns says this won’t affect their work. “We will continue doing. We will continue growing and God will open other doors and by (the) grace of God and by His faithfulness we’d like to reach these nations for Christ and it will be done.”

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