Story number 3 for 11 Oct 2000

By October 11, 2000

Rising fuel prices and shortages are adding to the doubled cost of living in Ghana. The increased hardship is having an impact on a ministry in the area. International Aid’s Christian Eye Ministry’s Faye Kratt says with their eye clinic in Ghana, Christian actions speak louder than words. “Their economic status does limit them, because there is a small fee for service. But, no one is turned away. We want the patients there to be able to come, in spite of the lack of money; it’s really had an impact on them [the people] in the last year because they can barely afford to feed themselves.” Kratt adds that World Sight Day, October 12th, will help open doors for them. “There’s been a new initiative, a new strategy called “Vision 2020″ to eliminate preventable and curable blindness around the world by the year 2020. All of us working together, all the programs that are working in this area, need the prayers and also the financial support of people around the world.”

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