Story number 3 for 3 Jul 2003

By July 3, 2003

(Congo–Kinshasa)–Hope flickers with the launch of the new Democratic Republic of Congo unity government. Following years of civil war, the promise of peace works now to open other doors. Crossroads Bible Institute’s David Schuringa says they’re ready to begin a French program in Africa. Their main office is scheduled to open this summer in the DRC, but with an eye toward independence. “The plan is to train indigenous instructors in the churches in Africa, so this is going to be a new venture in the sense that the lessons will not be coming back to the CBI office, here, for corrections.” Schuringa says because of the conditions surrounding the launch, there are prayer concerns. “People can pray for the program–the instability of the region, and the violence there–definitely on the broader scale of the war between Islam and Christian principles.” Crossroads reaches prison inmates with the truth of God’s Word and the love of God’s people.

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