Cult investigators say the tragedy in Uganda happened because of unmet needs. Experts say the people who flock to such movements are responding to a spiritual poverty, often not aware of what they are searching for, or of the dangers. In this case, the search resulted in mass murder. It is because of this that Evangelical Baptist Missions is working to get a team ready. EBM’s Paul Jackson. “The actual input that EBM has in Uganda right now, needs to be launched…yet. I’ve been following the news regarding the crises that we’re talking about in Uganda…and, as much as is in my power, I’m able to not only pray, and touch base with certain personnel trying to gear up a team in helping these people.” Jackson says the scars left by the cult will run deep, but they are looking ahead to the healing. He says there are people ready with: “The truth of the word of God, the abilities, and the talents and gifts to counsel these type of people, or to help physically support–not only pray, but mobilize them in a global ministry impact.”