(Haiti)–We turn next to Haiti, a country left in a holding pattern. The tensions are between growing poverty and the promise of international relief monies. For Haiti With Love’s Don DeHart says with each day, the situation for the people is growing more desperate. “The infrastructure is just non-existent and there’s no economy whatsoever flowing in the country; jobs are just impossible to find. The poor can’t even afford to buy their food now. The inflation factor is something like almost 30-gourdes to a dollar; maybe 12 years ago it was 5 gourdes to a dollar.” DeHart says they are doing what they can to meet the physical needs, which allows them to show the compassion and love of Christ. He needs people to pray. “Pray that Haiti will turn themselves over to God and let the Messiah come into their lives so that they can treat each other with respect and with dignity; and so that they will start worshiping the one true God, and maybe walk away from so much of the voodoo beliefs that they have.”