(USA)–Meanwhile, an evangelical ministry is using conferences and the internet to help link individuals to full time ministry. Nelson Malwitz is with the Finishers Project and says they’re holding a medical missions conference on March 7th and 8th in Arizona to help find workers to help fill needs abroad. “In medical missions all sorts of disciplines are needed, from nurses to physicians, to dentists, to medical technologists…just people that would be able to come along side and serve. You see in many countries the health care is just about zero, so if anybody shows up there’s tremendous opportunity to meet needs and represent Jesus in that way.” Malwitz says a tool is available on their website to help prepare for that conference. “www.finishers.org is where you would go in order to put in a detailed profile about themselves. It comes back with a shopping cart of mission organizations that would be particularly well suited for their interests, passion, skills, abilities (and), life experience.”