Story number 4 for 25 May 2001

By May 25, 2001

(Hungary)–Next, the buzz amongst Hungarian Christians seems centered around the latest work of the World Bible Translation Center. WBTC’s Roger Massey says that’s because they’re excited to have the Gospels in something newer than the much-used translation dating back to the late 16th century. “Church planters find this translation useful because there’s not as much explaining about what this text is saying. A reader who doesn’t have any kind of Christian background can sit down and understand what the Gospel is saying.” Massey says ten thousand copies of their Hungarian Easy-to-Read Gospel of John, were distributed for use. He asks people to pray. “Usually, churches are slow to receive a new translation, because people really like their King James versions. So, something new is always a little scary for a church. But, pray that the church people would receive this new translation and that it would find its own place.”

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