Story number 4 for 29 Apr 2002

By April 29, 2002

(Germany)–Meanwhile, a family currently staying at the D & D Missionary Homes in Florida is preparing for its next assignment. The Christian and Missionary Alliance will be sending the Wayne Thompson family to the Black Forest Academy in Southwest Germany. Thompson says he and his wife will use their educational background to minister to missionary kids. “In the area of guidance basically because I’ve had experience with missionary’s kids all over the world. I’ve also been in school administration. They look at that as a good mix and hopefully be able to work with students because of that.” Thompson has worked with four schools over the last twenty-two years and has had the opportunity to touch lives beyond the classroom. “We also participate in the international churches that we’ve gone to by teaching Sunday school. I’ve done outreach Bible studies. My wife has been involved in AWANA programs. We’ve taught English as a Second Language. So, it tends to branch out every place that you go.”

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