Story number 4 for 7 May 2002

By May 7, 2002

(USA)–Meanwhile, a ministry disciplining prison inmates in the United States is expanding into a new area. Crossroad Bible Institute’s Karen Loyd. “It is estimated that 20-percent of inmates in the United States are Hispanic. In the past year, the number of requests for Bible study from Spanish speaking inmates, especially in connection with OSL, have skyrocketed. This demand prompted the translation and printing of “Tier 1, Great Truths of the Bible”.” OSL stands for Operation Starting Line, a ministry of Prison Fellowship which is an effort to reach prison inmates in the United States with the Gospel. Crossroads is helping disciple these new believers. Loyd says they need assistance to help meet the demand in this new area. “This also means that we will need instructors who can read and write Spanish.” Crossroads expects to have more than 20-thousand inmates enrolled in their program this year. Funding and volunteer assistance is desperately needed.

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