The death toll has exceeded 53,000 in relgious fighting over three years.

By October 13, 2004

Nigeria (MNN/AP) — Next, the first official death toll reveals that religious fighting in Nigeria has caused more than 53-thousand deaths in three years.

That’s different from the widely believed death toll of 10-thousand. The central Nigerian state of Plateau has been plagued with escalating violence between Christians and Muslims.

The new numbers are based on figures gathered from family members who have reported lost relatives. The dead include 17,459 children, 17,397 women, and 18,931 men.

The Associated Press also reports that fighting has displaced nearly 300-thousand people and destroyed over 25-thousand houses.

Africa’s most populous state, Nigeria is religiously divided by the tension and violence between the 50-percent Muslims and the 40-percent Christians. Pray for Christians in Nigeria to exhibit the peace of Christ in the midst of religious turmoil.

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