Sri Lanka (MNN) — Only trains, buses, food trucks, and medical vehicles can fill up.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Only trains, buses, food trucks, and medical vehicles can fill up.
Guatemala (MNN) — “They’re estimating that as many as 65% of the elderly population is living in very deep poverty.”
USA (MNN) — This National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, reach out
USA (MNN) — Life Matters’ LIFT program can help your church engage elderly folks!
Russia (MNN) — SGA brings heat and the Gospel in negative degree homes
Haiti (MNN) — A ministry in Haiti desperately needs your help.
Togo (MNN) — The Mission Society helps elderly and women ostracized by society
Philippines (MNN) — Irish priest alive but still ensnared in Philippines
India (MNN) — Christian gives blankets to those who must endure the cold