Lebanon (MNN) — Over 1.7 million refugees call Lebanon home, from countries like Palestine and Lebanon.
Int’l (MNN) — Tent Schools International continues to promote education for refugee children.
Lebanon (MNN) — Tent Schools International prepared students for the COVID-19 lockdowns, but also continues to provide students and their families with needed resources and hope.
Lebanon (MNN) — Tent Schools International’s partner in Lebanon is giving students a safe, warm place to learn
Middle East (MNN) — Education is the key to rebuilding Syria and giving the nation a future
International (MNN) — The Prayer Tent creates a global prayer community
USA (MNN) — Laptops are giving young refugees hope of a brighter future
Int’l (MNN) — Education ministry helps teachers understand students with PTSD
International (MNN) — Without hope, they have little to fight for
Lebanon (MNN) — United Nations confronts refugee issues. Body of Christ ahead of the curve.