Formed in 1989, Prisoners For Christ has reached across the United States and over 25 other countries to share the Gospel with inmates of jails, prisons, and juvenile institutions. The ministry supports chaplains with free resources to serve inmates well, including Bibles and Christian literature for prison chapel libraries. PFC has also produced video programs for prison Bible studies and church services.
Inmates can also enroll in PFC’s Bible Study Correspondence School (BCS) to learn more with over 16 units and 130 lessons about the Bible. BCS serves approximately 2,300 students. Volunteers review each student’s lessons, write encouraging notes, and pray for them. PFC further supports thousands of more inmates with a pen pal program and Yard Out newspaper.
Learn more about how to pray, donate, and volunteer with Prisoners For Christ on the ministry’s website: www.prisonersforchrist.org.