Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon’s former central bank governor arrested on embezzlement charges.
News Archives
India (MNN) — Sponsor a relief kit for flood victims with Mission India.
USA (MNN) — Spanish-speaking prisoners in Crossroads Bible studies need more mentors.
Ukraine (MNN) — Keys for Kids has distributed 200,000 devotionals.
Iran (MNN) — Through biblical media supported by trained workers, Transform Iran intends the Gospel to be understood by the Next Generation.
USA (MNN) — Spanish-speaking Christian mentors impact prisoners with the Gospel.
Japan (MNN) — Typhoon Shanshan draws out anxieties in Japan after a series of natural disasters.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Religious scholars and Afghan women challenge Taliban edicts.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanese believers are intentional about shining the light of Christ.
Lebanon (MNN) — Summer camp gives kids in Lebanon a break from mounting pressure.