Middle East (MNN) — A well equipped leader goes a long way in helping the church to stand.
Middle East (MNN) — A well equipped leader goes a long way in helping the church to stand.
Egypt (MNN) — SAT-7’s program My Mirror speaks to Arab women’s hearts.
MENA (MNN) — Ministry in the Middle East and North Africa has changed over 25 years.
MENA (MNN) — SAT-7 uses media to reach Arab women with Gospel hope.
Jordan (MNN) — PTEE is encouraging Christian youth in Jordan through new program
MENA (MNN) — Unreached communities lack Gospel access, but that doesn’t mean they reject God.
International (MNN) — Not Forgotten is reaching oppressed Muslim women for Jesus
Middle East (MNN) — PTEE develops a plan to gain future regional accreditation.
Lebanon (MNN) — Every follower of Christ should study historical theology
MENA (MNN) — “You Are Beautiful” reveals women’s worth in Christ