Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — A new religion law looms over churches in Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrgyzstan (MNN) — A new religion law looms over churches in Kyrgyzstan.
Morocco (MNN) – In Muslim-majority nations the cost of choosing Christ is monumental.
Indonesia (MNN) — FMI makes it possible for church planters to stay on the rural mission field.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The good news doesn’t end with Pastor Tomal’s release.
Indonesia (MNN) — Three Christian holidays will get new names in 2024.
Pakistan (MNN) — Wet conditions have also allowed mosquitoes to breed and spread malaria.
Middle East (MNN) — “Many Deaf people, regardless of where they live, tend to think of religion as something that the Hearing culture does.”
Bangladesh (MNN) — Four of them had to be taken to the hospital.