Pakistan (MNN) — The decision follows a series of attacks that killed 74 people in late August.
Pakistan (MNN) — Torrential rains trigger suffering in same areas devastated by 2022 floods.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians in Pakistan know deep suffering, but God is bringing them hope.
Pakistan (MNN) — To follow Christ in Muslim-majority Pakistan is to know hardship.
Pakistan (MNN) — Torrential monsoon rains have killed 38 people in the last two days in northwestern Pakistan.
Pakistan (MNN) — Another young Christian is sentenced to death under Pakistan’s notorious blasphemy laws.
Pakistan (MNN) — MENA Leadership Center makes the most of Pakistan’s Christian history
International (MNN) — Gaza and Ukraine aren’t the only areas of active conflict in the world today.
Pakistan (MNN) — Lawmakers pass resolution condemning vigilante justice after man is burned alive for alleged blasphemy.
Pakistan (MNN) — Judge grants bail to at least 52 Muslims accused of killing an elderly Christian man over a false blasphemy accusation.