India (MNN)–India’s believers fight their own war on terror.
Bhutan (MNN)–Bhutan’s king steps down early prompting believers to pray about coming regime.
Iraq (MNN)–Chistians forced to keep Christmas quiet in Iraq.
Sri Lanka (MNN)–Believers fear militant Buddhist aggression in Sri Lanka.
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Uzbek television ‘Hypocrisy’ tells viewers Christian missionaries may be worse that the ‘afflictions of the Soviet system.’
Ethiopia (MNN)–Recent aggression against evangelicals in Ethiopia concerns mission agency.
Mexico (MNN) — Unrest hinders project intended to study persecution of Christians.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Mobs harass evangelical churches in Sri Lanka and law and order is breaking down in some areas.
Gaza (MNN) — Sanctions against the Palestinians is causing poverty which is limiting outreach by evangelical Christians.
India (MNN) — Gospel for Asia adds more languages to radio ministry despite persecution against Christians.