India (MNN) — The U.S. State Department’s annual report recently highlighted India’s religious freedom violations.
International (MNN) — The Day of the Christian Martyr is June 29. This year’s inductee are the Christians of Mosul.
Russia (MNN) — Russia’s Republic of Dagestan concludes three days of mourning after attacks by Islamic militants on Sunday.
Pakistan (MNN) — Judge grants bail to at least 52 Muslims accused of killing an elderly Christian man over a false blasphemy accusation.
Indonesia (MNN) — The new capital project continues to face major hiccups.
Yemen (MNN) — Yemen’s spiritual need remains overlooked and unknown by most churches today.
India (MNN) — BJP loss forces PM Modi to return to coalition politics for the first time in a decade.
India (MNN) — India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins third term in office, securing another five years of Hindu nationalist rule.
Pakistan (MNN) — Pakistan needs Jesus, and AMG International has a plan to reach them with the Gospel.
Malawi (MNN) — In the midst of a drought, believers in Malawi hope for a promised shipping container full of Bibles and Christian resources.