DRC (MNN) — MAF flying medical personnel to aid Ebola outbreak
DRC (MNN) — MAF flying medical personnel to aid Ebola outbreak
Cuba (MNN) — Over 100 killed in May 18 plane crash
Indonesia (MNN) — Ministry flying emergency food to famine-struck villages
DRC (MNN/MAF) — Conjoined twins saved through ministry’s medical flight
Puerto Rico (MNN) — Boatloads of aid going to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico
PNG (MNN) — “We need to come to this teaching every day”
Papua New Guinea (MNN/WAS) — Funds needed for new airplane to accelerate Bible translation
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — MAF airstrip rehabilitated to help with Congo’s malaria fight
Indonesia (MNN) — A missionary pilot shares the needs of an isolated Bible school in Indonesia
Papua New Guinea (MNN) — Wycliffe Associates to fund critical airstrip repair in remote Papua New Guinea