Sri Lanka (MNN) — Five years ago this Sunday, suicide bombers linked to Islamic terrorists carried out a deadly series of attacks in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Five years ago this Sunday, suicide bombers linked to Islamic terrorists carried out a deadly series of attacks in Sri Lanka.
India (MNN) — Madhya Pradesh state following anti-conversion law trend
Lebanon (MNN) — The Syrian refugee crisis is straining Lebanon’s economy
Nepal (MNN) — Pressures could increase against Christians in Nepal
Palestine (MNN) — Palestinian Christians want a solution providing human rights
USA (MNN) — Life Matters Worldwide weighs in on recent Supreme Court decision
Iran (MNN) — Some refugees using religious persecution to gain asylum even if not Christians
United States (MNN) — InterVarsity challenges Wayne State University on right to be religious
International (MNN) — Iran, among others, singled out for abuses against humans
MNN (China) – In China persecution and freedom are both daily realities.