International (MNN) — Ministry gets a new name, keeps the same heart and mission!
International (MNN) — Ministry gets a new name, keeps the same heart and mission!
Lebanon (MNN) — Syrian unreached people groups are coming to Christ in Lebanon.
International (MNN) — Three reasons why the Great Commission remains unfinished.
Sudan (MNN) — Millions of Sudanese Arabs have no access to Christ.
Yemen (MNN) — In a place like Yemen, prayer is the catalyst for Gospel growth.
Pakistan (MNN) — Prayer is a critical component of Great Commission effort.
Saudi Arabia (MNN) — The small Church in Saudi Arabia needs mature and committed believers to translate Scripture and to lead churches.
MENA (MNN) — Unreached communities lack Gospel access, but that doesn’t mean they reject God.
Jordan (MNN) — Millions of people groups in Jordan and Syria have not heard the Gospel, but more and more are encountering Christ all the time.
Egypt (MNN) — Only prayer can break physical, spiritual barriers surrounding unreached people groups.