Headliners for the week of 30 August, 2024

Kursk remains a critical Russia-Ukraine battleground

Russia (MNN) -- Deputy CIA Director David Cohen says Russian forces face "a difficult fight" in retaking the Kursk region, captured by Ukrainian forces earlier this month. Slavic Gospel Association’s Eric Mock says Russian church partners are helping people displaced by Ukraine’s ongoing incursion. Churches are providing families with food, medicines, hygiene items, and – most importantly – the hope of Christ. Find your place in the story!

Call to action

  • Pray for peace and an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine.
  • Pray these difficult circumstances will lead people to realize their need for Christ.
  • Pray that God will give SGA church partners the strength to feed people, console them, sympathize with them, and point them to the One who gives eternal hope.

Terrorists kill 200 in Burkina Faso; students flee to Christian school

Burkina Faso (MNN) — On Saturday, an al Qaeda branch killed 200 people in central Burkina Faso. It’s part of the Muslim extremist push to control Burkina Faso and West Africa. Christian World Outreach runs, essentially, a girls’ boarding school in Burkina Faso called the Village of Opportunity. CWO’s Greg Yoder says some students are from the area under attack. They’re coming back to school early to escape. Pray for Burkinabé believers’ faith and witness to others.

Call to action

  • Pray for the faith and witness of believers in Burkina Faso.
  • Pray the Gospel would spread despite the challenges and attacks.
  • Pray for protection and provision for the displaced and those affected by violence.

Myanmar junta loses grip on northern city

Myanmar (MNN) — Earlier this month, Myanmar’s ruling military junta lost a key outpost in the city of Lashio to rebel forces. The rebel alliance is largely made up of ethnic and religious minorities. A man we’ll call Peter serves with A3 in Myanmar: “They’re losing a lot of men, and they're losing a lot of land too, and mostly in Christian areas.” The junta has used brutal tactics against civilians since seizing power in 2021. Peter says churches in the war zones are getting hit hard but non-believers are seeing Christ’s love contradict the propaganda they’ve heard. “The juntas, their teachings are like, ‘These Christians are ruthless, they're barbarians.’ But when these non-believers run away, or they run away into the jungles, it was a whole different story how these Christians welcomed them with open arms, giving them food, support, help.” The future is unsure but Peter says gospel ministry is spreading as churches give shelter and medical care to refugees. They need your prayers. “We really want to end this war fast, like really fast. We need support internationally, we need support for ammunitions. We didn't ask for this war — the junta bought this war to us.” Pray for strong faith among Christians fighting in the rebel forces. “I have friends who lost their faith because, you know, dealing with this war, things that we’ve seen, it’s, it’s just ugly.” Learn more in the FULL REPORT at mnnonline.org.

Call to action

  • Pray for strong faith among Christians fighting in the rebel forces.
  • Pray for the war to end and for strong leaders who will govern Myanmar for the best interests of its people.

Afghanistan: New laws forbid women’s voices in public

Afghanistan (MNN) -- Friday marks the third anniversary of the final U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. While U.S. politicians use the withdrawal as an election talking point, Afghans mourn yet another freedom lost under Taliban rule. New laws forbid women from speaking outside the home. Unknown Nations’ training center equips Afghan refugees to reach their people for Christ. A recent graduation ceremony launched the newest batch of Gospel workers. Pray these believers can start disciple-making movements in their homeland.

Call to action

  • Ask the Lord to provide more laborers to make disciples and train believers in Afghanistan.
  • Pray that training center “graduates” can start disciple-making movements in their homeland.

Church closure threatened ahead of Nicene Creed anniversary

Türkiye (MNN) — The threat of closure has come against the last official church building in one city in Türkiye. This historic building in which three different congregations meet received an eviction notice from a government official last month. The notice said the building was structurally unsafe and they needed to be out before August 24. However, Bruce Allen with FMI says the church gathered evidence to the contrary. “They have just had, like, a survey done by the Chamber of Geological Engineers, another government agency, and their foundation is secure. There is no corrosion. There's no cracks. Their building is one of the safest in the city.”  One of the pastors, who we’ll call Irik*, has petitioned the governor of the province and publicly called on President Erdogan to intervene. Irik* thinks it’s an attempt to prevent Christians from gathering for a significant anniversary next year. “His city was where the Council of Nicaea was held, which was pivotal in Christian history. And 2025 marks the 1,700th anniversary of that council.” As this situation unfolds, pray for favor for with the government. “When I said, 'How can we pray for you?' he says, ‘I want this church to be a witnessing church, sharing the gospel until the day Jesus returns.’” Read the FULL STORY at mnnonline.org. 

Call to action

  • Pray that the church will trust God regardless of what their government leaders decide.
  • Pray that any meetings they have with officials will bring glory and honor to God.